April 23, 2012

Girls just wanna have fun

Guess what happened this weekend?

We ate brunch, we got our nails did, we bought cupcakes, we checked-in to our awesome suite, we ate dinner, we got surprised by the torrential rain, we got stranded at a CVS in the ghetto, we stood in line in the rain to see Ben Rector & Needtobreathe, we ate cupcakes, we went to the rooftop bar, we took pictures at the White House at 2 in the morning, we ate cupcakes, we ordered pizza, we slept, we woke up, we ate more cupcakes, we ate brunch, we played silly games, I had a mouthful of gum in my mouth, and we collected some pretty cute shoes to donate to a bunch of really deserving girls. Seriously, what could be better?!

Demolished cupcakes

Yeah, I'm pretty blessed.

P.S. Did you find the little link-love gem? Go back and look, there's a great little diddy hidden in there somewhere. First one to comment gets a little present. No seriously. Be the first to find it and I'll send you something fabulous in the mail.


  1. Ohhh i wanna dance with somebody!!!! was that it? Did i win?! :-)

    1. YAY! you did win :) there should be something waiting for you when you get back from Hawaii!
