April 18, 2012


When I moved back home in 2010, the first thing I was excited about was school picking up friendships that had been "left" years before. And not only could I 'pick' them back up, but we all had a shared desire to spend once a week together, pouring over the Bible and going through guided studies together to strengthen our walk. (Shout out to Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer & Beth Moore; we loved your Faithful, Abundant, True workbook!)

Meals, birthdays, FCA banquet, basketball tournaments

We prayed for our future husbands together, we did weekly challenges to
push us (my personal faves: week without listening to the radio in the car and praying instead, photo every day of something we're thankful for). When we weren't snacking having bible study, we frequently got together on the weekends and spent time with each other. We celebrated birthdays, grabbed breakfast lunch dinner food, cheered each other on, and supported each other outside of our weekly meetings.

As my weeks wind down here, I am increasingly sad that I will be leaving these lovely girls behind. They have been there for me during the good times, the tough times, the confusing times, the challenging times. They have supported me by praying for me, encouraging me, supporting me. I am forever changed (for the better) by their friendships and look forward to continue our friendships even when I'm in another state! Maybe we could skype-group-date once a week? Too much to ask?

(What about you? Who are the important women in your life that have spurred you on?)

1 comment:

  1. Love the link to praying for your husband! Now I just need to find one.........hrmph
