February 20, 2012

(Savannah) Weekend Update

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of taking a quick trip to Savannah back home for a weekend of celebrations.

The first thing we did when I landed was head straight to look at wedding rings (long distance relationship + 1 more trip to Savannah before I get married + 96 days till our wedding day = priorities). I have never looked at so many rings (that all look the same??) in my life. Fun thing about ring shopping: you get to try on rings that you definitely cannot afford (what up ring-more-than-my-bank-account). Bad thing about ring shopping: pretending like I knew the difference between tungsten carbide, cobalt, triton...let's just say asked too often what the "upkeep" was for a ring like "that".

She's a brick...house

We rushed to a 3 o'clock appointment with this lovely named Jan who showed us a house for rent. An hour later, we left with a packet of papers, a little less money in our pocket...and a 3 bedroom/2 bath + fenced in yard to call our home for the next year! The Lord really blessed us immensely in this housing find; everything we wanted and prayed for was provided...and more. How does this keep happening to us??

Dinnertime rolled around and it was time to celebrate the fiance's 25th birthday! Complete with an old-man-Mr.-Rogers cardigan. While at dinner, our waiter noticed that we were having a lot of fun goofing off and enjoying each other's company. Not only did he tell us he thought our love was real, he also gave us 3 beignets on the house! I guess good things do come in small (styrofoam) packages...

The next day we woke up early and headed to Back In The Day Bakery for their to die for Saturday-morning-only cinnamon rolls (also amazing: their bacon + onion jam panini). This place is so good that Paula Deen's tour bus comes through Thursday-Saturday morning to tourist-ify the shop and consume all the southern goodness that is bursting out these doors. There was enough sugar in our breakfast to get us geared to go back to the mall to look at the rings we narrowed down. It only took us an hour to find and pick out our rings! I guess I actually do have to marry him now...

The Millers got married!

In the late afternoon, we headed to Isle of Hope UMC to see Matt & Lindsay get murried! Then we headed to the reception and had a grand ol' time celebrating and dancing the night away. Congratulations to the newly weds, hope you're enjoying the honeymoon!

As if the weekend wasn't packed with enough excitement, I awoke in a fright on Sunday morning to the most terrifying burst of thunder I have ever heard in my 24 years of life. Then I realized I was hours away from leaving the one I loved yet again, to return to the frozen tundra that is Maryland and our long-distance relationship.

Good news? I'm 1 (uno, ONE!) round-trip visit way from moving to Savannah for good, and I'm 96 days from saying "I do" to the most handsome man in all the land. Ahhhhhh!!!!


  1. How lucky you guys got 3 beignets for free! I love those things :)

    1. Agreed! Anything doughy, starchy and fried = great. Add on it being free = so awesome. Thanks for the sweet comment friend!
