About a week later, I decided to 'make' my very own sewing kit. After making the monogrammed towels, the basket of sewing stuff that I had inherited/borrowed from my mother tipped over and allllllllllll of the contents spewed out. I'm talking like thread unspooled, needles strewn across the floor and waiting to pounce on my bare feet. It was a near disaster.
Until! I realized I could do a DIY project I've been itching to do - sewing kits with mason jars! I first came across this idea while perusing Etsy. Then I found a how-to on Martha Stewart's website, and I had to try it!
I'm all about following directions...until I find out I don't have all the things the how-to tells me I need. So I improvise! Instead of batting, I used old socks. I took one sock, cut it in half, then rolled it into itself to make a pseudo ball. I also don't have a hot glue gun. I had a stapler! So I stapled the fabric, sock, and cardboard together. Almost included a few fingertips too.
I used the detachable jar lid and traced a circle onto the cardboard (this was the top of an old shoe box). Then I took that rolled up sock and placed it on top. Then I took/ripped off a sleeve of that lovely shirt (that I have hoarded since 2008/since I couldn't fit in it anymore, but couldn't give away because the fabric is beautiful) and stretched it over the sock and cardboard. Many staples later, I shoved this protruding sock-monster through the jar lid rim, and screwed it on top of the jar. It doesn't fit quite snug, only because the cardboard was thick. But I shoved the lid on and it stays shut!
I have named her Francis. She's sassy and fabulous.
I love it. She's beautiful. Have I sewed anything/used this since I made it? Nope. But she's there if I ever need her! What a great gal!
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