November 25, 2012

Full of Thanksgiving

There is something about getting a couple days off to spend time with family, eating good food, and relaxing that makes every Thanksgiving meaningful and enjoyable. Since we started dating, the hubs has been making the thanksgiving trek to Maryland to visit me. Now that we're married and living closer to his parents, we decided to swap holidays this year...and we were so happy we did!

Every Thanksgiving my father-in-law's side of the family gets together for a huge family reunion (I'm talking extended family huge, like I've-never-met-you-before-but-we're-related-somehow huge). We kick it off with an oyster roast. Then just when you think that's all there is to the meal, you get ushered into the house to feast on several turkeys, sides-galore, and just as many desserts.

Then we go to my mother-in-law's friend's house for Thanksgiving dinner. I think I finally got Thanksgiving right - portion control...and lots of veggies. I think I had two pieces of turkey all day long. The rest of my plate was filled with veggies -- first time having brussels sprouts and beets (Love the brussels sprouts, not so much the beets).

One thing I love most about Bluffton is that there are so many great memories there. Every time we visit, we leave feeling refreshed and renewed (and fat). This time in particular, my friend came into town to spend the holidays with us and that just made this weekend even more special!

Thanksgiving also marked our six-month wedding anniversary! Time really does fly when you're having fun. So thankful for this guy, I love him so!

Happy thanksgiving y'all, hope you found time to be thankful for all the big and little things in your life!

November 14, 2012

Decorating 'n stuff

I love to decorate. And I love crafting. Decorating with crafts? #brbdying

Seriously though, when I find a craft and pin it on my Pinterest board, my mind will not stop thinking about the craft until I do it.

So I went to doing! Here's the stuff I've been up to as of late:

So I love Goodwill. Not just because I can find amazing items for Halloween costumes, but because I can find jars and vases....and felted Christmas tree ornaments for a ridiculous price. I scoured Goodwills for months to collect milk glass vases and jars for my wedding for (at most) 50 cents a piece. These beauties happened to be marked .59 cents, but their blue tag was 50% off that day, so ended up getting 9 ornaments for a grand total of a bank-breaking $0.97. #booyah

These beauties are called acorns, and usually they are the bane of my husband's existence around this time of year. We have two huge trees that 'gift' us these little presents by a consistent drizzle of nuts hitting our grass-less ground. We try to mow the lawn, but these little fellas always manage to get chopped up and shot out...and embedded into the lawn-mower's shins (aka husband). Don't even get me started on the squirrels our yard attracts. Baxter probably has a forlorn blog out there somewhere about how he can never catch those pesky things...except for those three days a couple of a weeks ago where he successfully killed two squirrels. I channeled my inner squirrel and spent an afternoon picking the perfect little acorns for my fall-themed dinner table. I also pulled out our extra/unused 'redneck wine glasses' from our wedding and -- voila! A tablescape. I just need to find some candles to complete the look.

And finally! Look at what a girl can do with a hot glue gun, some twine, and pine cones collected in her neighborhood! Yes, I was that person on the side of the road on Saturday morning pretending to walk her dog. I brought Baxter along to make it look like it was normal for me to be stomping around pine straw to find the perfect pine cones (it kind of looks like I'm picking up his poop, right?...right?!?!).

The most addicting best part about crafting is that most of the time you save a whole lotta money and you can make your house look almost as cute as a Pottery Barn house (ok maybe not really, it's all in the imagination!). I always feel happy when I'm crafting, and the finished product always inspire me to keep crafting. Maybe it'll inspire you to start crafting too!

November 5, 2012



One: Went to a wedding, had fun as always. Danced my feet off to Gangnam Style and repped the Asian community.

Dos: Took the high schoolers on a mystery trip to Six Flags and rode rollercoasters until I felt like puking. Held my husband's hand when we rode Goliath and almost died laughing at his screams of excitement screams for help.

Trois: Did the expected thing this Halloween and dressed up like Psy.

4: Ran my second half marathon and barely survived. Thought I was going to die, but had a friend (and runner extraordinare) run and pace the last 5 miles with me. Best part of the race? The time I danced to Gangnam Style after several bystanders were poorly doing it right before I crossed the finish line. #represent

Seems to be a lot of Psy in my life...
I'm ok with that.